Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Reading Notes: Narayan's Mahabharata, Part A

As I began reading part A of R.K Narayan's "the Mahabharata" I came across an interesting idea that I could do for my own story. The reading starts out with this woman who marries this man and she keeps throwing out the babies. Then on the 8th baby it was saved and she went away. Later on negotiation was had about the dynasty that would be left and Bhisma said he could not break his vow of celibacy even if it meant help princesses to become mothers. Satyavathi asked for Bhisma to forget his vows and help her give children given birth since the men they chose were duds. He said no and then a name popped into her head, it was Vyasa. He owed her a favor and he was sure to do it. He then says yes and enters in. I am basing at least the basis of my story about these scenes and the scenes going forward. Instead I would like to write a story about a woman in an abusive relationship and how she has been hurt from the previous man. Kind of piggy backing off of the idea that all the princes lost their lovers in some way. In this way this princess will eventually lose her lover do to abuse and Vyasa's character will instead save her from the terrible person and help her heal. My story will in a sense have a lighter ending and gives realism to my story, considering domestic violence is common in America I felt like I could write a story to bring that to light. The character Bhisma will be the abusive character and instead of him not wanting to give in and go against his purity he will be the bad character. It will give my readers a sense of how the story could have been different if the characters are different.

Bildergebnis für domestic violence
Domestic Violence

R.K Narayan Mahabharata Link to Reading Online

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