Sunday, February 12, 2017

The Lost Prophets

Chapter 1
Stiles stood under the streetlight in the pouring rain. It was a cold, somber rainy day and Stiles was heartbroken. His muscles tensed, and his eyes welled up with tears. He lost his beloved Malia. The gang had found where she lived and had kidnapped her during the night. Stiles was involved in gun smuggling. He stole guns from another gang to make a profit. Malia had insisted on helping him. They were now seeking restitution for the guns taken from them. It was up to him to save her now. Stiles gave a shake of his head to scatter his thoughts, and started walking toward his apartment on the south side of town.
Bildergebnis für broken heart movies
Happy Ending 

Chapter 2
Stiles set on his couch and looked toward the big glass window that overlooked the bustling city beneath him. He waited for a knock on his door from his friend Rodger. Rodger was his partner who helped steal guns from the gang, The Lost Prophets. Rodger was like him. They were one and the same. Pete was also involved within the gang, but had yet to arrive as well. They had good intentions, but always seemed to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time. As soon as the thought of Rodger faded from his mind he heard a knock. In the hallway stood Rodger.

Hey, Man. Sorry, I tried to come as fast as I could.
"It’s ok. Come in."
"We need to leave soon."

Rodger sat on the couch and crossed his arms waiting to hear what was to come next. Then Stiles began speaking.

"Alright, so, listen up, Rodger, if this is going to work, this is what we must do. When we go at him we can't be careless. You and Pete will split up. One of you will go to the east side of the house and the other to the west. Make sure you have a clear shot of the back deck. When I give the signal, put the red dots on his chest. I will go through the front with the counterfeit bag of money. Keep a watchful eye because the situation will unravel quickly."

Pete arrived shortly and perched himself next to Rodger on the couch. The two men studied Stiles face wondering if he might be bluffing.   Instead Stiles stood quietly and waited for a response from them. Offering no response, the men stood up and headed for the door. Everyone agreed on what came next.

Chapter 3
Stiles arrived at the house where he met Jesse, the main man in the opposing gang. He would pay his dues to the gang, and right his wrongs. Jesse thought one million dollars should do the trick! Stiles arrived holding tightly to the brown bag of counterfeit money. A big burly man opened the door. Stiles stepped inside the tiny run down house. Jesse stood inside the room near the door. Beyond him, Stiles can see out the window and sees his buddies crouching and waiting for his signal. He approached Jessie to stand in front of him, and raised his hand toward the window. He gave the signal. Gun shots exploded in all directions. Staying low he ran toward the door. Guns continued to fire over and over, and suddenly the world around him was a blur and pain overcame him. He had been shot twice.

Malia was hiding in the back of the house, and quickly began to try to free herself. She raced out of the house, but tripped over Stile's body during the attempt. Malia became hysterical when she realized his fate. Jesse who was consumed with anger shot her. As she gasped for breath she fell and landed next to Stiles. Their arms entwined, and then her body went limp. Stiles turned his head toward her one last time.

His dying wish was that she would survive. He remembered the day he had become an organ donor. He wanted to provide for her after he is gone. His thoughts faded and he turned his head toward the sky and the world went black.

Crime Scene

Chapter 4
Malia woke the next morning in the hospital not fully aware of what happened. There were flowers and get well cards scattered around her hospital room, and Rodger was there. He told her how the brawl ended and that Stiles was dead. As soon as those words were spoken her heart sank. Her one true love was gone. There were no words to express the agony she felt.

"I know you do not want to hear this Malia, but when you arrived at the hospital you were close to death. One of your heart valves was damaged when you were shot. The surgeon immediately called for emergency surgery. They cut an incision down the center of your chest. Tubes were placed in your chest, and connected to a bypass machine to await a new heart. The surgeon put the new one in and connected the blood vessels so there would be no leaks. Malia, you would not be alive if Stiles did not have the heart that was a perfect match for you. You needed Stile's heart. He died, but because of him you live."

In Memory

The words hung in the air and for a long time and she did not respond. He loved her with a love she could never comprehend. She felt her chest and moved her fingers over the patch that covered her wound. Malia could feel the heart beating against her chest and she knew that her world would never be the same.

Author’s Note
I wrote my story based off of the stories beginning from" The Rainy Season" and the next few chapters following. My character Stiles was based off Rama, who was upset at King Sugriva. He was annoyed that he was not helping him find Sita sooner. So instead he took some of the measures into his own hand and reached out to Lakshmana to go help them start more search parties across the land. I decided to turn my story darker because of the reality of the world these days. Some times in life there is no happy ending but there is just an ending. Stiles died but he did what he set out to do, which was to save his love. Malia (Sita) was pure in heart and because of that was saved. Stiles and his friends, who represent King Sugriva and Lakshmana, were good people but surrounded by bad environment. I wanted my characters to have depth to them. They have good hearts but never had a good role model. I wanted to provoke the question of what if Rama was not a good man? What if he was filled with greed? How different would the story be? I added to my story as well by expressing more of his thoughts behind certain decisions he made. I felt it would add more understanding and flow as my readers are able to connect more with my protagonist. I chose the research and learn editing method last week to allow my story to be more believable. I learned about how heart surgery is done so my audience can realize the depth of what Malia went through being part of the story. Last week I choose start strong and end strong as my editing method. This week I chose sharpen and focus because my story was originally quite lengthy.

Narayan, R. K. (1972) The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic.
How Heart Surgery is Done


  1. Anna, I thought you did a great job telling the story of Stiles and Malia. It kept me on my toes with all of the ups and downs throughout the story. I thought it was really cool that you divided up your story into chapters. I think that helped your story flow into different scenes more smoothly. When I read the first part of chapter one I thought Malia had died when you said “he lost his beloved Malia” and was pleasantly surprised to realize she was not dead and had only been kidnapped. I wonder if you clarified in the beginning that she was not dead and had been kidnapped it might make the story clearer? I think your style of writing is very effective. I stayed hooked throughout the entire story and felt connected to the characters. I also thought the last sentence was very powerful because of the different color text. Was that intentional? If not I think it gave that sentence a very strong tone that added to the seriousness of the situation.

  2. This story was very interesting! You have done a great job writing it! I really liked that you broke the story up into chapters, because it made it easier to read and follow along with the story and we could see different sides of the story from different characters. It would be interesting if you elaborated on the first chapter. I didn't quite understand why he was so sad standing on the street corner- was he about to break up with her to keep her safe? Also make sure you use your spellchecker! This story was great to read and I like that your blog theme kind of fits with the theme of it. The rain in the background of the blog helped me picture the opening scene of this story. Your blog looks great, keep up the good work! This story would be great to elaborate on in the future if you need more ideas for writing! Because you have it broken into chapters it could be cool to see what comes next!

  3. Hey Anna! I think you did a wonderful job on this story. I really like how you broke it up into chapters. It felt more like I was reading a short novel instead of a blog post. It is something I had not seen before! I would have never thought to do it that way so maybe you gave me a new idea!

    I think it might be better if you had expanded on the first chapter a little more to set the tone of the story. I was confused as to what happened to Malia because it seemed as if she had died but then as I read on I saw she was just kidnapped. It might be a little clearer if you specified that in the first chapter unless you intended it to leave us hanging! If so, it worked!

    I am not sure if you meant to make the last sentence in chapter 4 a different color but it blends in with the background quite a bit.

    Overall, it was a really great story!

  4. I can feel the suspense so high in the air as I read through this. This story is well thought out and I like the gif you insert in the first chapter (that gif totally fools me because I thought I was in for a good and happy ending).

    It is known that Stiles is a in a "bad business." However, I am curious what he has actually done that causes Malia to be involved? Maybe providing a some background story or information on that incident would expand your first chapter a bit more nicely! In chapter 3, I was a bit confuse that gun suddenly being fired. I thought Stiles has shown up for a discussion since he already has the money and after that, an action scene would eventually happened. Also, I think it will be better if you space out the paragraph in chapter 3 a little (like putting the part where Malia escapes in a separate paragraph).

    Nonetheless, the last chapter and the epilogue are such an emotional read. Stiles' heart is forever next and belong to Malia. Well done!

  5. Hi Anna! This story was very unique, in a good way! I really liked how you formatted the story; it made it very easy to read with really good flow. I would like to see an expansion on the first chapter. I found it to be the most interesting and to have the most potential. You could have done a lot with the first section. I really enjoy how all of your common themes tie into your blog. The background really helped place me in the setting of the story. This is something I will want to add to mine next week. Your story was very good at holding the attention of the reader so keep that up! The last couple lines were very good and rounded the story out very nicely. I am excited to see what comes next and very excited to continue reading. Keep up the good work!

  6. Wow this was a great story Anna. Have you ever seen Peaky Blinders? It is a show on Netflix, and your story really reminded me of some of the episodes. I really liked how you broke the story up into chapters. That really makes a longer story like this more manageable and serves as an easy gear-change between plot points. My two small critiques are character introduction and grammatical mistakes. I loved your characters and their role in the story. I would just be weary of making sure you give ample background/description right before or right after the introduction of a new character. At the very beginning of the story I believe Malia to be dead because of the phrase "He lost his beloved Malia." Additionally the introduction of Pete was really quick and I felt as though I had missed a chunk of the story and the explanation of his involvement in the plan. And starting in Chapter 3, there were just a few grammatical hiccups. In the third line of chapter three, a portion reads "but as for as he knows" and I think you meant 'far' instead of 'for'. Overall I loved your story and remained engaged the entire time. I can't wait to see your portfolio develop and expand. Great job!!

  7. Hi Anna. I really enjoyed your story. The description you used really helped set the tone. I like how you changed the original into this gang type story. It was a very interesting thing to read. Something I would suggest doing to maybe push some further detail into the story is give more background on the other characters and their relationships. For example, maybe talk about how Stiles and Roger are similar or give more background on Jesse. It could add some more to the story. Maybe these guys could have been friends ever since they were young and they grew up together. They could have started a gang because they were friends ever since the start. Also, why did they steal the guns from the gang? I think that could be a little prelude to the actual story you wrote. Maybe the gangs could be rivals or something. There are a lot of possibilities. Good read!

  8. Anna, first thing, I'm not sure if it is my web browser, but I can barely read the story, the background is really dark gray and the font is black. If I highlight the text with my cursor, I can read it. You might check and see if you can change the color of the font to white (like your Author's Note because i can read that just fine). I really like your idea of splitting things up into "chapters," it helps make it clear of the change in scene. I might have to use that idea in one of my stories. I wish we had a little more background about the previous tension between the gangs. Why did they hate each other so much? Isn't "The Lost Prophets" a band? Is that where you got the idea for the name? You could maybe add some extra dialogue in chapter 2 where Stiles tell his buds that his love has been taken. I was hoping Stile's plan would work and there would be a happily ever after! It's so sad that he had to die, but Malia lived! Overall, great story! There isn't always a fairytale ending in real life and I think you captured that nice.

  9. Hi Anna, I think the font on the page is a color that makes it almost impossible to read until highlighted so that might be a good thing to change to make easier reading. As for the writing, you like many of your peers, are so good at the writing. I found your break-out of the chapters to be a cool touch and I like the visuals you invoked with the death scene. The part where he fades to black was descriptive. It felt a bit to abrupt to get the news of your special someone's death. If the intention was to surprise, it was a success. I like to keep stor

  10. I really like how you formatted your webpage and incorporated your images and gifs with the content of your story. It was very action packed and it kept the reader involved. I was on my toes the entire story because I didn't know what was coming next. I new that there was something dreadful that was going to take place, but I didn't know which character would be the first to be targeted. I love how creative it was to break each climax and peak of the story into chapters. The chapters really advance the story. It would be a nice addition to the story if you could implement a preface. I had a little bit of confusion getting the setting and what exactly what was happening at the beginning. I also think that the "in memory" chapter could be longer. There could be more dialogue between the characters. You did an amazing job, and I really liked the content of your story.

  11. Wow, your story was so interesting! I love that you broke this into chapters. This made your story flow really well, and I did not feel lost while reading—great technique! My favorite part was your introduction to the story. All the imagery describes was perfect. I could picture the intensity, and the rain. You did a great job in portraying such a serious situation. What if you added a few sentences explaining what the characters were thinking in their heads? You could possibly add in internal conversion to make your scenes even more intense. I also wondered more about the personality of the characters. You could add in a paragraph adding some background information if you wanted. However, this story was very well written! I enjoyed reading it, and wondering what was going to happen. It seemed like I was reading a real novel with the way you wrote it.

  12. Okay, I’ll say this first to get it out of the way: you’ve chosen awesome character names (and way to represent, haha. TW is great). I really love how you’ve split the different sections up into chapters; it not only makes it a breeze to read, but also separates and focuses the different scenes really well, in a way that’s almost cinematic. I’m also a fan of the way you’ve reinterpreted the Ramayana into something so modern and fresh and distinctive; the translation from ancient battle to modern street warfare works perfectly, and even in this short amount of space, I cared more about your versions of the characters than I ever did about Rama or Sita. The bit where Stiles remembered signing up to become an organ donor is especially nice, and the way you used that to play with the “one true love”/“hearts made for each other” trope was fun. My only suggestion is that you flesh out the details and motivations a little bit on the event where Stiles and Malia decided to steal the guns from the gang; since it has such big consequences and impacts/sets up everything that happens here, it might be good to see what specific feelings or driving factors went into the decision beyond profit alone. But I thought this was a really cool story, and I really enjoyed what you twisted the story into. Awesome job!
