Thursday, January 26, 2017

Growth Mindset: Eastern vs Western Education

When I was younger I remember being called on by a teacher to come to the board. I also remember being very reluctant and shy to even get out of my desk. My palms were sweaty and my cheeks were flushed with the same color as my vibrant red shirt. As I walked steadily toward the board I thought to myself, "Oh man do not mess up."

Bildergebnis für education asia

If you took a poll in America and you asked, "Have you ever been called on by a teacher and did not want to be?", many would answer yes. I read the article, "Struggle Means Learning: Difference in Eastern and Western Cultures", by MindShift. The article is about a man named Jim Stigler, a professor from UCLA, who went to Japan and sat in a Japanese classroom. He was doing research at the time about the difference between Eastern and Western culture education. He soon found that Eastern culture believes struggle is opportunity. In Western Cultures like America it is believed struggle is the reflection of your intellect. Eastern cultures believe struggle is a part of any journey and is a must to achieve your goals. Struggle in a way to them is a necessity. Separately in Western cultures intelligence is a direct reflection of who you are and who you become. Unlike in Asian cultures they believe intelligence is not who you are but an obstacle you can overcome if you can battle with your inner demons.

I really enjoyed reading the article. It makes me sit back and think about how I am in school. I beat myself up when I mess up sometimes and when I receive a bad grade I feel disappointed. But education is not who I am on the inside. I am more than just a student. I am a wife. I am a world traveler. I am more than what meets the eye.

Struggle Means Learning: Difference in Eastern and Western Cultures
Baby Picture
Children with Globe


  1. Hi Anna,
    I am really glad that you read this article and was able to share your thoughts on this! This is all new information to me, and it is interesting to know how different parts of the world view struggles in education. I can relate to Eastern world countries saying that struggle is a part of the journey, as my parents continue to tell me this as I continue my college journey. I love how you are so self confident and are able tor remind yourself who you are despite any struggles you may face! Thank you for sharing!

  2. I already read your introduction so I decided to come and read your growth mindset. This was definitely an interesting post that you discussed because it is not something that I have really ever thought about. I have always been interested in the differences between US and other education systems in the world. We are always rated as a high ranking country but education is always something that we lack in

  3. It is good to see that you are branching out the growth mindset outside of just US understanding. It is definitely important to understand and see how other nations and countries are educating their children. It is not a race or a contest at all, but it is interesting to see how we will benefit as a species when we discover the most effective education system and start implementing that into the entire world, if that happens mind you.
